• 1 HFC formelle
  • En ligne
  • 35 $ (taxes en sus)
  • pht et T. phys.

Do you have a relative, friend or patient who has been prescribed anticoagulant medication? It is estimated approximately 650,000 (or ~1 in 50) Canadians are on blood thinners to help prevent or treat thromboembolism related to cardiovascular disease, malignancy, post-op orthopedic surgery, stroke or other conditions known to increase the risk of blood clots. However, these life-saving medications can sometimes cause hemorrhagic adverse events, leading to serious sequelae, functional limitations, or even death. In this presentation, a hematologist and physiotherapist with experience in bleeding disorders, team up to summarize common indications, precautions and potential complications of anticoagulants. You will learn to recognize key, early red flags / signs & symptoms as well as optimal physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal complications related to anticoagulant usage, in order to help prevent long-term morbidity.

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Essentiel : le courriel de confirmation d’inscription contient les informations pour accéder à la formation.

Exigences techniques

Cette formation peut être suivie sur un ordinateur, une tablette électronique ou un téléphone intelligent connecté(e) à Internet.